District Summer Break Schedule Zapata County ISD will be closed for summer vacation between July 3 - July 7.District offices will resume operations on July 10.Instructional staff return - August 7.Students First Day of School - August 14.
Book Donations/ Donacion de Libros Marine Toys for Tots Literacy Program/ Programa de Alfabetización de Los "Toys for Tots" de Los Marines
Students Receive Hygiene Kits & Clothing for Summer School/ Estudiantes Recibieron Equipos de Higiene y Ropa Para la Escuela de Verano ZCISD Subpopulation Students Receive Hygiene Kits & Clothing for Summer School in June!Estudiantes de la Subpoblación de ZCISD Reciben Equipos de Higiene y Ropa Para la Escuela de Verano en Junio!
ZCISD Student Raffle Winners Whose Parents Participated in the FACE Meeting!/ ¡Ganadores de la Rifa de Estudiantes Cuyos Padres Participaron en La Junta de Familia y La Comunidad (FACE) de ZCISD! ZCISD Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Meeting was held Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 1:30PM to 3:00PM at the ZTAC on Hwy. 83.La reunión de participación de la familia y la comunidad (FACE) de ZCISD se llevó a cabo el miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023 de 1:30PM a 3:00PM en el ZTAC en la autopista 83.
Summer Meals Program UPDATE! Summer Meals Update!Please check out our website @https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php... for updates on times, days, and locations. Zapata High School, Zapata North Elementary, and Fidel & Andrea Villarreal Elementary are now operating Monday-Thursday Only. Siesta Shores Park Time Change; 11:00-11:45Guadalupe & Lilia Martinez Library Time Change; 12:15-12:45
Healthy Summer Meals Make a Difference! Summer Meals!The ZCISD Child Nutrition Staff are currently serving at 9 different sites this summer. Make sure to come join us at any of the participating sites. Log in to our website for updated times, and locations :https://www.schoolnutritionandfitness.com/index.php?sid=0910141656440786
Employee Recognition Dr. Trevino celebrated employees who have reached 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service. Congratulations!